Singing Guide: Peter Allen

Singing Guide: Peter Allen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Peter Allen was an iconic Australian singer-songwriter known for his unique vocal style and theatrical performances. Learning to sing like Peter Allen involves developing a broad range and mastering a vivid stage presence. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve this goal:

Vocal Technique

One of the most iconic features of Peter Allen's voice was his ability to sing with an authentic Australian accent. To sing like Peter Allen, focus on mastering proper tongue placement and enunciation techniques. It's also important to work on expanding your range, which can be achieved through regular vocal exercises.

Performance Techniques

Peter Allen was known for his colorful stage presence, which included flashy costumes and elaborate dance routines. To emulate his performance techniques, it's essential to develop a strong stage presence. This can be achieved through regular practice and performance experience. Additionally, consider incorporating movement and dance routines into your performance, as Peter Allen was known for his high-energy dance numbers.

Song Selection

When selecting songs to sing like Peter Allen, consider choosing pieces that showcase your range and personality. Some of Peter Allen's most famous songs include "I Go to Rio", "Tenterfield Saddler", and "Don't Cry Out Loud". Use Singing Carrots' search engine to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

To enhance your singing skills, Singing Carrots has several resources that can help. The Vocal Range Test can provide you with an accurate measurement of your vocal range, which you can compare to famous singers like Peter Allen. The Pitch Accuracy Test can also help you improve your pitch accuracy. Additionally, the Pitch Training module offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises for range and agility. Finally, the Singing Course can help you develop the theory and practical skills needed to become a confident and skilled singer.

By following these tips and using Singing Carrots' resources, you can develop your singing skills and start singing like Peter Allen in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.